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中心特色 Features

General Education Center was formerly named at the 10th executive meeting in 1996. There are currently 12 full-time faculties, including four professors, two associate professors, four assistant professors, two lecturers and one assistant.

CPU is the highest police education institution emphasizing professional skills and character building. Its features as follows:

1. interdisciplinary learning to establish innovative insights.

2. humanism quality enhancement to create a harmony in the state of professional and generalist.

3. law enforcement ethics reinforcement to build up awareness of self-discipline.

Four categories of “Arts and Humanities”, “Social Sciences”, “Natural Sciences," and "language and literature" achieve the above mentioned.


教學發展方向 Teaching development

    Center’s goal is to fulfill educational purposes of both university and police training by taking into account the holistic planning of the arts and science disciplines.  Organizational and reasoning skills are needed to emphasize as well to cultivate the leading, open-minded cadres.


課程特色 Curriculum characteristics

The Center is emphasized what has offered to student. The quality of each course is the focus, not the quantity. The Center has combined courses with similar content into one to avoid redundancy. Moreover, courses are designed to include professional skills as well as daily life knowledge.


課程設計 Curriculum design

Students are required to take at least 8 credits in “Arts and Humanities”, “Social Sciences”, and “Natural Sciences," at least one course from each category before the graduation. Moreover, students are required to take English and Chinese literature in their first year of school. There are more electives to enrich students’ global perspective in the area of police profession.

There are two ways to promote liberal education. One is through the courses in the classroom; the other is through activities designed by Department of Student Affairs and Student Corps.